Reconciliation is the bringing of peace between parents and children, husbands and wives, labor and management, God and man, person and person(s), etc.


Broken relationships enhance and intensify other problems. Even physical illness can follow. Bitterness, resentment, anger, frustration, etc. , tend to aggravate a given situation.

The order of the universe is such that all things point to Jesus. God is working in all things to reconcile the world to Himself by Jesus Christ(Cor. 5:18; Rom. 8:28). 



Please Read these Scriptures and Meditate on what God is saying to you.

2 COR.:5:18-19

COL. 1:20

MATT. 5:23-24

MATT. 5:25-26

MATT. 18:15-19

MATT. 6:33

Dear Lord I seek you for Your guidence, and I ask You to reveal any hinderances to reconciliation in my life. I pray in Jesus Name . Amen

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