
A born-again  believer needs help to maintain victory and to gain maturity in his life as a Christian.

A born-again person will be endued with power when the Holy Spirit comes upon him. (Acts 1:8) With the laying on of hands, and the imparting of the Spirit to that person, the gifts recieved need stirring up.  He needs a maturing growth.

Every "Timothy" needs a "Paul" to disciple him(2 Tim. 1:6).

"Whatever your trouble or concern, Jesus has the answer. Read His Holy Word Above".



Please Read these Scriptures and Meditate on what God is saying to you.

MATT: 10:37-38

JOHN 8:31

LUKE 9:23

ACTS 1:8

MATT.  28:12

1st and 2nd Timothy should be studied carefully.


"Whatever your trouble or concern, Jesus has the answer. Read His Holy Word Above".

"Lord, it is my desire to know you and the power of your resurrection and the fellowship of your sufferings and be made conformable to your death.  I choose to give you My will in exchange for YOUR WILL.  I would do what you would have me do. Thank you for leading me and for allowing me to be a blessing to others from this moment on.  In Jesus Name , Amen."

"Whatever your trouble or concern, Jesus has the answer. Read His Holy Word Above".
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