Is Church membership necessary ?


What is a Church ?


Which Church is the one I should attend ?


The church incorporates the mission of Christ into its existence. Christians are directed to assemble with the rest of the body of Christ(Heb. 10:24-25). Those who believe in Jesus and are born again have become God's children (2 Cor. 6:18), and are heirs to the Kingdom along with Jesus(Rom. 8:17). We have the rights of children but also the responsibilities as God's intercessors (Rev. 1:6).



Please Read these Scriptures and Meditate on what God is saying to you.

ACTS 2:41

COL. 1:18

HEB. 2:11

1 JOHN 3:10

ROM. 16:5

1ST COR. 12:7

REV. 1& 3

1 COR. 12


1 COR. 13


Thank you Lord for leading me to your perfect plan and the local church body that You would want me to be a part of.  I pray for your discernment and wisdom concerning this important discision.  In Jesus Name  Amen !!!

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