Healing: An illness , disease, infirmity, or other physical, mental or spiritual abnormality is revealed. 

The Holy Spirit reveals what Jesus would have the born-again Spirit filled Christian to say or pray regarding a healing need(John 16:13-15). Anyone or several of the gifts of the Holy Spirit may be given in order to minister to a person. The signs of power  are to confirm the gospel (Mark 16:20), and to bless people with wholeness. 



Please Read these Scriptures and Meditate on what God is saying to you.

ISA. 53:4-5

2 COR. 5:21

MATT. 18:19

MARK 11:24

ROM. 10:10

1 JOHN 5:14-15


EPH 6:11-12

JOHN 11:4

JOHN 16:13-15

ROM. 10:17

DEUT. 28:15-62

GAL. 3:13

JOHN 15:7

PHIL. 13-19

2 TIM. 1:7

1 PET. 2:24-25

MATT. 10:32-33

JOHN 14:12


2 COR. 12:7-10

JOB. 3:25

HEB. 10:35-36

MARK 11:14

PROV. 4:20

EXOD. 15:26

1. Believe and confess salvation, i.e. of health (Rom. 10:10).

2. Agree with someone in prayer.

3. Take God at His Word(Isa. 53:4-5).

4. Receive your healing by Faith.

5. Continue in the Lord, leaning and growing(Exod. 15:26).

Thank you Jesus for releasing your mircicle working power in my life.  You are the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and by your blood I receive my healing and the word of my testimony.  In jesus Name Amen !

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